Tag Archives: NaNoWriMo

National Novel Writing Month Coming Soon

15 Oct

November is National Novel Writing Month, better known as “NaNoWriMo”. Is anyone going to give a shot this year? It is an excellent opportunity for you to finally get that novel idea down on paper. It is better to think of the month as a chance to hammer out words that can be massaged later into a sharpened piece of art rather than go into it thinking you’ll have a finished work at the end. Novels take time, but if you can blast through the hard part, which is simply getting the words down on paper, you’ll have an easier go moving forward.


It personally takes me many months to complete a work, but NaNoWriMo can help you establish writing practices that may carry over past the month’s end. The goal for the month is to complete 50,000 words, which equates to nearly 1700 words per day. Many writers say that establishing a daily writing goal is crucial in achieving your objectives as a writer.

Who is in?