Master of the Hunt

Master of the Hunt - A Werewolf Novel, by Nickel Crow

Master of the Hunt – A Werewolf Novel, by Nickel Crow

My novel, “Master of the Hunt”, is now available at and for purchase. I hope you enjoy werewolf tales. Here is a bit of information.

“Revenge is cheap.

Harrison Dale is kidnapped and transported to a mysterious island where he is imprisoned with a group of other victims. There, he learns each has been brought to the island for a deadly purpose – to be hunted and killed by grudges from their past. To make it fun for the hunters, the victims are trained in the art of island survival and given a chance to escape. Before long, however, the others learn that Harrison Dale is different. He’s been targeted specifically by the island owners, barbaric brothers who have hunted and killed everything imaginable, including men. Harrison will provide them with an altogether new challenge. Why?

Because Harrison Dale is a werewolf.

The caveat – Harrison has vowed to never allow the demon within him to rise again, even if it means losing his life. The brothers, however, can be extremely convincing. Can Harrison hold out long enough to escape and not lose his soul in the process?

A horror action-adventure novel.”

9 Responses to “Master of the Hunt”

  1. Douglas Brown December 23, 2011 at 1:00 am #

    This sounds pretty cool. Love werewolves.

    • nickelcrow December 23, 2011 at 4:45 pm #

      Thanks, Douglas. I hope you enjoy my work. Here is the link to the book on Amazon:

      They Dared to Hunt a Werewolf.

      • Aynon August 12, 2014 at 9:11 am #

        Really enjoyed reading the Master of the Hunt, found book via Goodreads list. I liked that the werewolf was left to the last, the story benefited from Harrison focusing on controlling what to him is a curse. The approach to the werewolf nature reminded me a lot of that in Glen Duncan’s “The last werewolf”. I liked Harrison and would like to see him in another book, perhaps following up on that Tennessee link which suggests a possible pack at large in that area. The brain trauma – scar tissue in brain menioned by doctor could have been the result of a silver bullet that failed to kill and caused memory loss. All in all wonderful book with nice hooks that could be used to draw us futher into a possible series. Possbily even a government hunt, as Harrison did ‘nt destroy any of the cameras which were recording the men in the cages and which would surely have captured footage of his fight with the South African.

      • nickelcrow August 12, 2014 at 12:16 pm #

        Thank you so much. I was just discussing a sequel to the novel yesterday and hope to work on that soon.


  1. Control Your Rage or it will Control You « Nickel Crow - March 1, 2012

    […] Master of the Hunt – a Werewolf Novel […]

  2. New 5-Star Review for “Master of the Hunt” « Nickel Crow - July 11, 2012

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  3. Vampire Squid from Hell « Nickel Crow - October 22, 2012

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  4. “Master of the Hunt” on « Nickel Crow - January 9, 2013

    […] Master of the Hunt […]

  5. Great Review for “Master of the Hunt” | Nickel Crow - July 30, 2013

    […] Master of the Hunt […]

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